Your Health Comes First!


Multi-Position Spinal and Joint Decompression Machine
to restore the spine and joint mobility

With age and due to other various reasons, the mobility of all parts of the spine gradually decreases. Decompression of the spine allows you to slow down the natural process of its age-related degradation, restore the functions of the spinal cord and thus ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Therefore, the effect of decompression of the spine and joints can be described as an anti-aging effect or even as a rejuvenating effect.

Massage-Decompression Table

DecoSpine is a multi-position spinal and joint decompression machine that is a completely new and unique device that implements the original principles and approaches to the decompression process. Here a person is not a passive object of manipulation whose spine is to be stretched, but here he is an active actor in the process of decompression of his spine and joints.

DecoSpine machine allows you to effectively combine decompression of the spine and joints with essential training of the muscles that form a muscular corset around the spine and joints to prevent the joints and spine from excessive compression. The design of our multi-position spinal and joins decompression machine provides the opportunity to perform all the actions and physical exercises available on it to achieve the decompression effect without compressive loads on the joints and on the spine.

The multi-position spinal and joint decompression machine significantly increases the number of instrumental techniques for stretching all parts of the spine to relieve painful manifestations caused by degenerative, traumatic, or age-related changes in the spine and joints.

The innovative design features of the multi-position spinal and joins decompression machine:

  • The multi-position spinal and joint decompression machine consists of a massage-decompression table, Traction Machine, Functional Trainer, a universal bench, and various additional and replaceable elements and devices for stretching the spine and joints.
  • The surface of the massage-decompression table on which the person lies is formed by a solid carpet of hundreds of ball transfer units. Each of them is closely adjacent to six other ball transfer units surrounding it. Each of the ball transfers within the unit lies on many smaller balls and can rotate in any direction independently of the other balls adjacent to it. Thus, they form a dry, practically frictionless surface of the massage-decompression table. The human body lying on such a surface and, accordingly, each part of this body can freely slide along the table surface in any direction.
Massage-Decompression Table
  • The balls forming the surface of the table produce an action similar to acupressure and this additionally stimulates the process of relaxation of the muscles of the body of a person lying on such table. This property of the table surface creates the possibility to relax each individual part of the body, regardless of other adjacent parts of the body, just by placing a person on the table.
  • A body lying on such a table will stretch unhindered in any direction even with a minimal stretching force. The process of stretching the spine and its decompression can be achieved with minimal effort, eliminating discomfort and pain usually associated with this procedure.
  • Massage-decompression table can be positioned horizontally or at any angle from 0 to 35 degrees.
  • Our multi-position spinal and joint decompression machine can be supplemented with a mobile Traction Unit. Mobile Traction Unit allows you to form additional pulling force in any direction, at any height, and at any angle relative to the horizon. This pulling force can be applied to the body of a person lying on the table from any of its ends and at any angle through the system of the pulleys.
Stand for Traction Unit
  • The surface of the table that practically has no friction, the option to tilt this surface at various angles, and the possibility of creating a pulling force from either end of the table allows to stretch all parts of the spine and joints of the human body. The stretch can be done in a normal horizontal or in a tilted position where the head of the person is in the upward position to the body or in an inversion position when a person lies on a tilted table, head down. This way the decompression and the pulling force can be set from negligible values ​​to levels that are comfortable and accessible for a person lying on the table.
Functional Trainer
  • The table is rigidly connected to the Functional Trainer. The Functional Trainer has 2 portable cable training mechanisms that can create pulling force in any direction, at any height, and at any angle to the horizon.
  • Pairing the Functional Trainer with the Massage-Decompression table allows you to simultaneously combine the process of stretching different parts of the spine while training the muscles that form the muscular corset of the spine and joints without compressive loads on them and thus accelerate and strengthen the effect of decompression.
  • Functional Trainer is equipped with a universal bench and additional special attachments to perform physical exercises on the Functional Trainer that are necessary for decompression of the spine and joints, but not available on the Massage-Decompression table. These exercises allow you to simultaneously combine stretching of all parts of the spine, restoring their flexibility, restoring and strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and joints without compressive loads on them, and thus maximize the effect of decompression.
Universal Bench